This has been a busy week so far. We have had several showings of our house, and we are hoping to sell it soon. On Sunday night I preached at Primeira Igreja Batista Sao Joao Climaco in the South Zone of Sao Paulo. We have worked with Pastor Carlos and the church in a couple of schools in their area already, and he asked me to preach in his church. It is a small church, but the members are a committed group of followers of Christ. I preached to encourage and challenge the members of the church to fully surrender themselves to the Lord and His work, and to commit to join Him in reaching out to people in His love with the Gospel, and then to continue to help them to be true disciples of Jesus. In the end I shared the Gospel and we praise God that 7 people accepted Christ, including some of the church members.
Then on Tuesday afternoon and this morning Nancy and I spoke at EMEF Francisco Bueno school in the Vila Industrial area of Sao Paulo. This is a poor and dangerous area, and they have many problems with drugs, crime, violence,... We spoke to 5th to 8th grade classes on Tuesday and to 1st to 4th grade classes this morning. The reception of the students and teachers was great, and we praise God that 395 students and 13 teachers accepted Christ. We worked with Igreja Batista Projeto Familia, which is located close to the school. We are very happy that the school has already asked the church if they can continue to do things with the school to help the students and their families. This is what we are always hoping and praying for.
Nancy and interpreter Victor praying with a class
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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Have a very nice day!
Hapi & BabyMocha, thanks for visiting our blog. Take care and God bless you.
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