This week we visited the school EE Paulo Cavalcanti in the Vila Formosa area of Sao Paulo. We worked with Pastor Eliseu and Igreja Evangelica Da Fe, and we spoke in the school on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. The school is a very nice school, and we had a great time with the 1st through 4th graders and also with the teachers. We are very happy that 443 students and 25 teachers accepted Christ, and that the school really appreciated our visits to help the students & teachers. Many of the students come from families that have problems with drugs, alcohol,...
That's amazing how many kids were able to come to Christ. How do you initiate a program like that to talk in a school. Can you just call up the school and ask to come in?
Steven, it is amazing how many people here are open to the Gospel. It's great to see and be a part of it.
First we contact the school and then have a meeting with the principal or vice-principal to explain our project. Then we schedule the dates to speak in the school, and after that we contact a church that is close to the school to come with us to help. Then the church can try to keep working with the school and to try to help the new believers. Then we organize interpreters to come with us each day, because it works better when we speak in English and have interpreters to translate to Portuguese, because the students have alot of interest in Americans and in English. So there is alot to organize and do, but it's all worth it.
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