We had a very busy and productive day in Poa' on Sunday. First we drove 1 1/2 hours to get to Poa', and then I preached in the morning service at Primeira Igreja Batista Cidade Kemel. After the service we went to our friends Eliane & Joseniel's brother's house in Poa' for a great Brazilian lunch and for some fun & relaxation. After that the church made some appointments for us, and we visited 2 families to share Christ with them. First we visitied Jose and his wife, who is a member of the church. For years Jose did not want to hear about God's love and His salvation through Jesus, and he had no interest in church or in anything related to God. But God touched Jose that day, and he accepted Christ. After that we visited with Cristiana's family, who also were not believers. Cristiana is a faithful member of the church and already a believer, and we had a wonderful visit with her Mom and Dad and her sister. Again God did a wonderful work and all 3 members of Cristiana's family accepted Christ.
At 5:30 pm, after the visits, John and I led part of the People Sharing Jesus seminar in the church, and then after that I preached in the evening service at 7:00 pm. 7 more people accepted Christ in the evening service, and many of the members were challenged by God to be faithful in sharing Christ with others. It was a long weekend (thank God for strong Brazilian coffee), but it was a privilege and a joy to help the churches to share Christ in Poa', and we have many new friends there. 41 people accepted Christ over the weekend, and we praise God for that.
Querido irmão Kevin.
Obrigado pelo carinho com a igreja do Kemel, nos auxiliando na obra de Deus.
Foram dias de muita alegria aqueles.
Forte abraço
Querido Celso, te agradco pelo recado. Tambem os dias em abril em Cidade Kemel foram dias de muita alegria por nos. Ainda estamos orando pra voces, que Deus os abencoe muito e que Ele fara mais coisas maravilhosas ali, para Sua gloria. Abracos.
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