October 20, 2011

Americanos In Brazil - Day 6

On Wednesday we had a very busy day, as we split into 2 main groups and visited 2 schools in Sao Vicente in the morning at the same time, and then 2 more schools at night in Santos. In the morning we worked with Capela Calvario in the state school EE Armando Victorio Bei in Sao Vicente, and also 1 group worked with Primeira Igreja Batista Sao Vicente in the state school EE Enio Vilas Boas. In both schools the project went great, and the students loved having Americans in their school, and they really enjoyed talking to the "gringos". The leaders of both schools really liked the project also, and they were very very appreciative of our help. In both schools some of the teachers and the school leaders were telling the students that our message was very important, and that they need God in their lives. Combined a total of 460 students and 10 teachers accepted Christ and committed their lives to Him in the morning period.

After these first 2 schools we all went to a small restaurant near the beach in Santos and had a nice lunch, and one of our interpreters Patricia joined us. We had Japanese food and seafood for lunch. Then another one of our interpreters, Rebeca, took some of the ladies out shopping for 2 hours. After resting for awhile, we all joined up again at the hotel at night and split into 2 groups again. 1 group spoke at the state school EE Visconde Sao Leopoldo in Santos (where we were Monday morning & afternoon), and another group spoke in the municipal school EM Therezinha (where we were on Tuesday morning & afternoon). At night both schools have adults studying to finish their middle or high school education. There were fewer students than normal on Wednesday night because the Santos soccer team had a game that night, and many people stay home to watch the game. We still had a great night, and combined 134 adult students and 8 teachers and a vice principal accepted Christ and committed their lives to Him.

One very wonderful thing that God did was at the school EM Therezinha at night. One of our 3 interpreters did not come, so we were 1 short. The teacher at the school who teaches some English classes volunteered to help, so she translated in 2 classes for us. In the first class she got very emotional during the speech, during the spiritual life part and in the prayer. After the class I asked her if she felt in her heart that she needed Jesus, and if she prayed too to receive Him and commit her life to Him, and she said that she very much felt that and yes she did pray and receive Christ. God is great !

After the schools at night we all went to a nearby restaurant and had a late night pizza snack. We had a great time of fun and fellowship, and a lot of laughs.

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