September 17, 2011

School Project In Cubatao

This past week we worked with Igreja Batista Jd. Casqueiro in the municipal school UME Nobrega, which is located in the Jardim Casqueiro bairro (neighborhood) in the city of Cubatao. The participation of the church was good, and they had 3 or 4 people helping us every day. The school has students from the 5th grade to high school, and also has night classes for adults. We originally had a different school in the same bairro scheduled, but they have to reschedule for next year. Thankfully God gave us another good opportunity. Many of the students live in a favela (slum) known as Vila de Pescadores, so many of them come from poor families. God touched and prepared many hearts to hear the Gospel, and 721 students (including more than 100 adults studying at night) and 11 teachers accepted Christ and committed their hearts to Him. One teacher was very emotional as Nancy was sharing Jesus in her class, and she prayed to receive Christ and commit her life to Him. Afterwards, she threw away her cigarettes in the trash, in front of her students in the class (she is in the 3rd picture from the top).

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tahira said...
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