September 30, 2011

Reaching People For Jesus In Cubatao

We worked with Igreja Peniel in a large municipal school in Cubatao this week. The school is for students from 1st to 9th grades, and they have night classes for adults also. The participation of the church was very good, and they sent 5 or 6 people each day to help, including Pastor Roberto. We had to rearrange the schedule as the week went on because of changes in the school schedule &/or schedule conflicts, which is very common here. This creates more work for us because we have to reorganize interpreters and people to help us, and it can be frustrating, but it is what it is and we have to deal with it often here. Also, we have to go back one morning in November because 11 of the classes were out on the day we spoke in the morning period.

God touched and prepared many hearts of the students and teachers and school leaders, and many joyfully listened to the message and received Christ. 861 students, 16 teachers, and the Vice Principal accepted Christ and committed their lives to Him. We also had some opportunities to talk about the church privately with some of the students, which is what we always try to do if possible. We are not permitted to talk about a specific church in the classrooms, so we talk about how they need a good church to help them to grow in their new relationship with Jesus and to help them in their lives, and we also tell them that they can talk to us privately if they need help to find a good church. Also, we praise God that the school recommended us to many other municipal schools in Cubatao.

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