June 3, 2011

God At Work In Guarujá

We worked with Igreja Peniel in a large municipal school in the Vicente de Carvalho area of the city of Guarujá this week, and God did some amazing and wonderful things. The school is EM 1 de Maio, and is for students in 6th through 9th grades. Vicente de Carvalho is a very heavily populated area of the city, and is made up of a mix of middle class to poor people. Igreja Peniel is led by Pastor Nzuzi, who is an African pastor ministering in Brazil. The church participation in the school project was great, and they had up to 8 people helping us each day, most of which were from the youth group. It is great to see the youth in the church serving the Lord and helping to reach others for Jesus.

We spoke in the school last November for their special program "Mais Educacao", which is a special program for about 100 of the students. The school coordinator accepted Christ that day, and they liked the project and speech so much they invited us to come back this year to speak in all of the classes in the school. We spoke 2 days this week in the morning period, and 2 more days in the afternoon period. God prepared a great harvest in the school, and many students and teachers were open to hearing the Good News of Jesus. Incredibly 1085 students and 8 teachers accepted Christ and committed their lives to Him. Although we are not able to speak about a specific church in the classrooms, some of the people from the church were able to talk to some of the students during break time and invite them to small groups in homes that the church has. Please pray that God will continue to work in the new believers' hearts and help them to find a good church home, and to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually.

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