July 1, 2010

Santos Botanical Garden

We had some time off the other day, so we decided to check out the botanical garden in Santos. Although we have seen some nicer botanical gardens before, it was a nice place to walk around and enjoy some native Brazilian plants and trees.


chasong said...

Hello there,
I am still writing about the end-times on my blog, Reflections on the Christ, at http://chasong.blogspot.com
You have a very nice blog set-up and I’d appreciate if you can come by my blog and give me some honest down-to-earth recommendations as you appear to be more savvy than I am.
Looking to see you.
Keep reflecting Christ

Kevin Bart said...

chasong, thanks for the visit again. I like your blog, and I think it is important to make it how you want it to be. As for the design, Blogger has a new template design feature that has many options for the look of your blog. If you are interested in making changes in the appearance of your blog, you can play around with new looks and design formats in this new section. You can choose from many different designs and backgrounds, and then preview it without having to save the changes first. Take care and God bless.