May 26, 2009

Another Successful School Visit

Yesterday we spoke at the EE Frederico school in the Vila Carrao area of Sao Paulo. We worked with Igreja Batista Nova Alianca in the school, and we had a great time with the students and teachers. We spoke in 12 classes with students in the 1st through 4th grades, and God did a great work in the hearts of the students and teachers. 295 students, 10 teachers, and the Vice-Director Liliana accepted Christ, and the school really appreciated our help. They asked us if we could come back in the future.

Sharing Christ wih interpreter Iraci in a class
Vice-Director Liliana (front) with our team at the schoolInterpreter Alessandro and John and his teamMarta passing out Livro Da Vida (Book Of Life) to the students
Iraci and Marta giving the discipleship tool Livro Da Vida


God's beloved one said...

A intencidade e paixao com a qual voces compartilham o amor de Jesus literalmente me constrange! Parabens, que o Senhor continue os usando grandemente...

Kevin Bart said...

Beloved one, te agradeco para seus comentarios. Por nos e' um privilegio grande a compartilhar Jesus e participar na obra de Deus. Que Deus te abencoe tambem. Abracos.