November 11, 2008

CIEJA School For Adults

This week we are speaking in a special school for adults in the Sao Mateus area of Sao Paulo, which is in the East Zone of the city. The CIEJA school is run by the Sao Paulo city government, and was started to help adults finish their high school education. We are working in the school with Pastor Haroldo and Igreja Batista IV Centenario. We spoke to 6 classes on Monday morning, to 6 more this afternoon, and we will speak to 6 more next Wednesday night the 19th. So far in 2 days, 274 adult students and 5 teachers have accepted Christ.

Interpretor Eduardo and I sharing Christ

A group of adult students and teachers

Interpretor Alessandro, me, and the group from the church

One of the classes that we spoke in


Mark Justin Josephs said...

God bless you for this ministry

Kevin Bart said...

Mark, thanks for the visit and for your encouraging comment. May God bless you also.