July 20, 2008

Hearing God's Voice

When I am not preaching in a church or when we do not have a seminar to do on a Sunday, we normally go to Igreja Batista Boas Novas (Good News Baptist Church) in Sao Paulo. Today Pastor Wagner preached a sermon on how we need to hear God's voice when we are attending church. Yes we are there to worship the Lord, but we also need to hear His voice. He is always trying to speak to us.

This is a very important point that some Christians are missing. To reverently listen and to hear God's voice is worship, and if we are not hearing God's voice then we are missing the point. The same is true of our prayer time or "quiet time" with the Lord - hearing God's voice is the most important part. Although Pastor Wagner did not use this verse, his sermon reminded me of Ecclesiastes 5:1 - "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know they do wrong."

The word listen in this case means to reverently listen to God's voice, with the intent of doing or obeying. This is a heart attitude of reverence, of worship, and of love for the Lord. May God give us this type of heart for Him.

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